Indicator name;Reference value
Main indicators;GOST 13634-90 “Maltodextrins. Requirements for purchases and deliveries”, table 6
Corn type;Dent corn, yellow flint corn, white sweet corn
Colour;Characteristic of a normal corn: yellow, white-reddish
Odour;Characteristic of a normal corn grain (without musty, mouldy, foreign odours)
Moisture, %;12 - 17
Max. black dockage, %;3
Max. grain dockage, %;10
Max. content of spoiled grain, %;1.0
Max. content of wheat and oilseeds, %;0,5
Germinated corn grains;Not allowed
Max. content of damaged corn grains, %;5,0
Pest infestation;Not allowed
Max. temperature of corn grain during drying, °C;45
Safety;GOST 13634-90, TR CU 015/2011 “On grain safety”